- Partai Demokrat kembali menyatakan dukungannya terhadap rencana pemerintah menaikkan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) bersubsidi. Kenaikan harga BBM bersubsidi dipandang sebagai suatu hal yang tak terhindarkan, menyusul meroketnya harga minyak mentah dunia.
Ketua Departemen Bidang Keuangan DPP Partai Demokrat M Ikhsan Modjo, Minggu (25/3/2012) di Jakarta, mengatakan, ada lima alasan mengapa partai pemenang pemilu 2009 itu mendukung kenaikan harga BBM.
1. "Pertama adalah keberpihakan pada rakyat kecil. Saat ini, 10 persen dari orang kaya menggunakan Rp 5,8 triliun dari subsidi BBM. Sementara itu, 10 persen orang miskin menggunakan Rp 500 miliar subsidi BBM," kata Ikhsan.
2. Kedua, kenaikan harga BBM juga dipandang sejalan dengan upaya penghematan dan penciptaan energi terbarukan.
3."Ketiga, dana yang sebelumnya digunakan untuk subsidi BBM dapat dialihkan untuk pembangunan infrastruktur," kata Ikhsan.
4.Keempat, pengurangan subsidi turut menekan kasus penyelundupan BBM ke negeri tetangga. Saat ini, harga BBM di Singapura mencapai Rp 15.695 per liter, sementara di Malaysia sekitar Rp 5.750.
"Pengurangan subsidi juga membantu pemerintah 2014. Pemerintahan yang akan datang tak terbebani subsidi BBM yang tinggi," kata Ikhsan menyebut alasan ke lima.
5.Sementara itu, Ketua Pusat Pengembangan Strategi dan Kebijakan DPP PD Ulil Abshar Abdalla mengatakan, rencana kenaikan harga BBM bersubsidi dipandang telah bergeser menjadi isu politik, bukan ekonomi.
"Ini telah menjadi isu politik. Padahal, kenaikan harga BBM ini seperti harga cabai naik. Kalau harga cabai naik, tentu kita harus menyesuaikan pengeluarkan kita. Ini seharusnya business as usual," kata Ulil.
Ulil menambahkan, pemerintah tak lepas tangan terkait dampak kenaikan harga BBM bersubsidi. Pemerintah telah menyiapkan skema bantuan langsung sementara masyarakat dan lainnya.
- Democratic Party reiterated its support for the government's plan to raise the price of fuel oil (BBM) subsidy. Subsidized fuel price increase is seen as an inevitable, following the skyrocketing crude oil prices.
DPP Chairman, Department of Finance Democrats M Ikhsan Modjo, Sunday (25/03/2012) in Jakarta, said there were five reasons why the party winning the 2009 election that supports fuel price increases.
A. "The first is a bias on the little people. Currently, 10 percent of the rich use of Rp 5.8 trillion in fuel subsidies. Meanwhile, 10 percent of the poor use of Rp 500 billion in fuel subsidies," said Ikhsan.
2. Second, the rise in fuel prices is also seen in line with efforts to saving and renewable energy creation.
3. "Third, the funds previously used to subsidize fuel can be diverted for infrastructure development," said Ikhsan.
4.Fourth, reduction of subsidies helped suppress the smuggling of fuel to neighboring countries. Currently, fuel prices in Singapore reached USD 15 695 per liter, while in Malaysia about USD 5750.
"Reduction of subsidies also helped the government in 2014. Government to come unencumbered high fuel subsidies," said Ikhsan call reason to five.
5. the Chairman of the Center for Strategy and Policy PD DPP Ulil Abshar Abdalla said the plan to raise subsidized fuel prices have shifted considered a political issue, not economics.
"It has become a political issue. In fact, this fuel price increases as the price of pepper rose. If the price of pepper rose, of course we must adjust our pengeluarkan. It should be business as usual," said Ulil.
Ulil added that the government does not get out of hand the impact of subsidized fuel price increases. The government has provided direct assistance schemes and whilst the other.
- Partai Demokrat kembali menyatakan dukungannya terhadap rencana pemerintah menaikkan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) bersubsidi. Kenaikan harga BBM bersubsidi dipandang sebagai suatu hal yang tak terhindarkan, menyusul meroketnya harga minyak mentah dunia.
Ketua Departemen Bidang Keuangan DPP Partai Demokrat M Ikhsan Modjo, Minggu (25/3/2012) di Jakarta, mengatakan, ada lima alasan mengapa partai pemenang pemilu 2009 itu mendukung kenaikan harga BBM.
1. "Pertama adalah keberpihakan pada rakyat kecil. Saat ini, 10 persen dari orang kaya menggunakan Rp 5,8 triliun dari subsidi BBM. Sementara itu, 10 persen orang miskin menggunakan Rp 500 miliar subsidi BBM," kata Ikhsan.
2. Kedua, kenaikan harga BBM juga dipandang sejalan dengan upaya penghematan dan penciptaan energi terbarukan.
3."Ketiga, dana yang sebelumnya digunakan untuk subsidi BBM dapat dialihkan untuk pembangunan infrastruktur," kata Ikhsan.
4.Keempat, pengurangan subsidi turut menekan kasus penyelundupan BBM ke negeri tetangga. Saat ini, harga BBM di Singapura mencapai Rp 15.695 per liter, sementara di Malaysia sekitar Rp 5.750.
"Pengurangan subsidi juga membantu pemerintah 2014. Pemerintahan yang akan datang tak terbebani subsidi BBM yang tinggi," kata Ikhsan menyebut alasan ke lima.
5.Sementara itu, Ketua Pusat Pengembangan Strategi dan Kebijakan DPP PD Ulil Abshar Abdalla mengatakan, rencana kenaikan harga BBM bersubsidi dipandang telah bergeser menjadi isu politik, bukan ekonomi.
"Ini telah menjadi isu politik. Padahal, kenaikan harga BBM ini seperti harga cabai naik. Kalau harga cabai naik, tentu kita harus menyesuaikan pengeluarkan kita. Ini seharusnya business as usual," kata Ulil.
Ulil menambahkan, pemerintah tak lepas tangan terkait dampak kenaikan harga BBM bersubsidi. Pemerintah telah menyiapkan skema bantuan langsung sementara masyarakat dan lainnya.
- Democratic Party reiterated its support for the government's plan to raise the price of fuel oil (BBM) subsidy. Subsidized fuel price increase is seen as an inevitable, following the skyrocketing crude oil prices.
DPP Chairman, Department of Finance Democrats M Ikhsan Modjo, Sunday (25/03/2012) in Jakarta, said there were five reasons why the party winning the 2009 election that supports fuel price increases.
A. "The first is a bias on the little people. Currently, 10 percent of the rich use of Rp 5.8 trillion in fuel subsidies. Meanwhile, 10 percent of the poor use of Rp 500 billion in fuel subsidies," said Ikhsan.
2. Second, the rise in fuel prices is also seen in line with efforts to saving and renewable energy creation.
3. "Third, the funds previously used to subsidize fuel can be diverted for infrastructure development," said Ikhsan.
4.Fourth, reduction of subsidies helped suppress the smuggling of fuel to neighboring countries. Currently, fuel prices in Singapore reached USD 15 695 per liter, while in Malaysia about USD 5750.
"Reduction of subsidies also helped the government in 2014. Government to come unencumbered high fuel subsidies," said Ikhsan call reason to five.
5. the Chairman of the Center for Strategy and Policy PD DPP Ulil Abshar Abdalla said the plan to raise subsidized fuel prices have shifted considered a political issue, not economics.
"It has become a political issue. In fact, this fuel price increases as the price of pepper rose. If the price of pepper rose, of course we must adjust our pengeluarkan. It should be business as usual," said Ulil.
Ulil added that the government does not get out of hand the impact of subsidized fuel price increases. The government has provided direct assistance schemes and whilst the other.
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